Friday, December 27, 2019

You're Seven Years Old!

Dear Lila,

The other day, you suddenly started crying softly and I asked you what was wrong. You said you were thinking about how you would have to move out of our house when you're a grown-up and that the thought of it was making you sad. I hugged you and said you didn't have to worry about moving out for a long time. You're only 7! But then again, you're already 7! It's funny when you have kids, how they can simultaneously seem so little and so big at the same time.

This was obviously an exciting year for you because you have a new baby sister! Life with four kids is cuh-RAZY but I can always count on you to help me, whether it's getting towels for MuiMui's diaper changes or entertaining your sister so that she doesn't cry while I grab a load of laundry out of the machine. I love how you gaze adoringly at MuiMui, how excited you are when you get to hold her and how much you love her. MuiMui loves you, too, and smiles at you whenever she sees you.

You are such a good sister, to MuiMui and to both of your brothers. GuhGaw tends to pick on you a lot (ugh, older brothers) but you always do nice things for him, such as sharing your after-school snack or giving him the shell-shaped spoon we have (something you both covet whenever we have soup for dinner). Meanwhile, you and DiDi are still best buddies and play together so nicely. I often overhear you two pretending to run a restaurant together or imagining that you are in school together. On weekends, you still have sleepovers and sleep together in DiDi's bed. You definitely don't get much sleep and you said DiDi often hogs the blanket (haha!), but you guys love being together.

Your interests are still the same: reading (so much!), art projects (you go to art class every Saturday and love it), unicorns, dolls, wearing dresses and eating! You definitely have the biggest appetite of all of the kids and like so many different kinds of food. I love that you have such a sophisticated palette and that you enjoy everything from salmon sushi to roasted Brussels sprouts.

Happy birthday to my big little Lilabear!


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cute and Cuddly

Dear Lila,

Unsurprisingly, things have gotten a LOT busier with the arrival of your baby sister. She nurses every couple of hours and likes to be held (and cries when she is not), so I haven't been able to spend much time with you and your brothers. You have been incredibly understanding about that, though, and not at all jealous. I really appreciate that, along with the occasional moments the two of us do get to spend together.

Tonight was one of those moments--Daddy was holding MuiMui, your brothers were already in bed and it was still relatively early so I came into your room and said, "If you get into bed now, I can cuddle with you." Your face lit up, you jumped up and said, "Cuddle? YAY!" You ask me to cuddle with you a lot but I often can't because it's a school night and you need to go to sleep or I have housework I need to finish before it gets too late. I cuddle with you whenever I can, though, and I love our nighttime talks. It also makes me so happy that our cuddle time makes you so happy and seeing your joyful surprise over our unexpected cuddle tonight so warmed my heart. I hope we have many more cuddles in store!


Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sister Sister

Dear Lila,

For the past few years, you and I have been outnumbered by the boys in our family, 3-2. But things are even now because you have a new baby sister! Your MuiMui was born one week ago and you have been so loving and sweet toward your new sibling.

I always wanted a sister and I know you had been wishing for one as well, so I am so happy that I was able to give you one! I remember when I first told you that I was pregnant again and you said you hoped it was a girl. When I told you it might be another boy, you said you already had too many brothers! When we found out that the baby was a girl, you were beaming and jumping up and down with joy. As one of the nurses in the hospital put it, "You gave your daughter a best friend."

You actually met your baby sister before either of your brothers did. DiDi came down with a fever the day I gave birth, so he stayed home with GuhGaw and PoiPoi while Daddy brought you to the hospital. I so wish I'd taken a video of you walking into the hospital room and seeing your sister for the first time. You looked so happy and eager and smitten! You put your face right up to hers and just smiled at her for the longest time.

MuiMui and I came home on Monday and it is really cute how you have been marveling over everything about her. You love holding her and I have loved watching you fall in love with her!


Thursday, August 29, 2019

Favorite Family Member

Dear Lila,

You: Mommy, who do you love more? Me or DiDi?
Me: I can't answer that.
You: Who do you love more? DiDi or Daddy?
Me: I can't answer that, either.
You: Why not?
Me: Because I love all of you. Who do you love more? Riley or Taeryn?
You: Riley.
Me: Me or Daddy?
You: You.
Me: Me or DiDi?
You: You. See? I can answer all of your questions.

Well played, counselor.


Sunday, August 18, 2019

It's Out!

Dear Lila,

Your front baby tooth had been loose for a long time. And I mean seriously long--it had been wiggling for over a month! I told you to jiggle it with your tongue, I gave you apples and carrot sticks to eat all of the time, I tried brushing it a little harder . . . it was so stubborn and wouldn't come out and you gasped in pain whenever I tried to touch it. Your baby tooth took so long to come out that your permanent tooth actually started growing in behind it; I didn't even know that could happen!

But finally, finally, when I was flossing your teeth tonight, the loose baby tooth popped out right into my hand (and it had a longer-than-usual jagged piece at the bottom, which is why it had been so anchored in your gum). The funniest part? You didn't realize what had happened, not even when you looked in the mirror! You tasted some blood and rinsed your mouth a few times and then looked in the mirror. I was waiting for you to gasp at the finally freed baby tooth but because the permanent tooth is already growing in that space (albeit set back further), you thought that was your baby tooth. You didn't know you had lost your tooth until I opened my hand and you saw it in the middle of my palm!

But whew, it's out and you can finally go back to eating the normal way instead of awkwardly gnawing your food near the sides of your mouth!


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Can I Tell You Something?

Dear Lila,

I don't know why this habit suddenly started but now you often preface your statements to me with, "Can I tell you something?" I have never said no to that and I have already told you multiple times, "You don't have to ask if you can tell me something! Just tell me!" But you keep doing it! And it's driving me crazy! :-P


Monday, August 12, 2019

Dream Girl

Dear Lila,

You have told me that you like to daydream a lot. Sometimes you daydream about your toys coming alive or you think about books/movies you have read/seen but you change some of the characters and plots. I think it's really cute, especially today when you finished reading a book and told me, "Mommy, I'm going to daydream now."

Dream away, little girl.


Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Put A Ring On It

Dear Lila,

We had this conversation on the way home from camp today:

You: None of my counselors are married.
Me: How do you know that? Did you ask them?
You: They don't wear weddings rings.
Me: Not everyone who is married wears rings.
You: Then what's the point?



Thursday, May 30, 2019

Her Honor

Dear Lila,

Your teacher assigned a "Wax Museum" project in which you had to choose a real-life person, learn about that person's life and accomplishments, dress up like said person and recite a dozen facts from memory about him/her during a presentation at your school today. You chose to be Ruth Bader Ginsberg and you totally looked the part:

On the flip side, you didn't totally sound the part. You and your classmates stood in spots around the school gym and when a parent walked up to you and made you "come alive" (by doing what each of your signs said, whether it was "Shout 'fly!'" for Amelia Earhart or "Bang my gavel!" for you), you had to recite your memorized facts. You had no problem saying your rehearsed speech but in true Lila fashion, you spoke at an incredibly soft volume. Even with me, you talked so quietly that I couldn't hear what you were saying despite me putting my ear about six inches away from your face. Over the course of the morning, I worked my way around the gym to listen to your classmates' speeches and every time I looked over at you, every parent that stood in front of you was leaning in so close to you to hear what you were saying. After the parents left, other classes went to the gym to participate and you told me that two boys banged your gavel. When they couldn't hear what you were saying, one said to the other, "Maybe if we bang her gavel again, she'll talk louder." Hahaha! Oh, Lila!

I am super proud of you, though. There was a time when you wouldn't have spoken up to so many strangers at all, so to recite your speech over and over all morning (you probably had to say it about 30 times to all the parents and kids!) was a huge accomplishment for you. And you worked so hard on this project. You read multiple books and articles about Ruth Bader Ginsberg and practiced for days to memorize facts about her--and you memorized a lot for your speech. There were a lot of times you were tired of rehearsing but you did it anyway and your effort really paid off this morning. You were an excellent (albeit nearly mute) RBG!


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Happy Return

Dear Lila,

Daddy and I went on a trip to New Orleans for a few days while you and your brothers stayed home with PoiPoi and GongGong. We were only away for four days and we video chatted with you every day but you said you still missed us so much. And that was pretty evident this morning--Daddy and I didn't arrive back home until after midnight last night, so all of you kids were fast asleep. When you woke up this morning and realized Daddy and I were sleeping in our bed, you ran into our room, climbed into the bed next to me and just *beamed* at me for like 10 minutes. You looked so happy to see me, which so warmed my heart. Daddy and I had fun in NOLA but we missed you guys a lot!


Thursday, March 14, 2019

Speaking Up

Dear Lila,

When Daddy and I walked into the parent-teacher conference with your teacher this afternoon, the first thing she said to us was, "Lila has blossomed like a beautiful flower!" Not a bad opening, huh? Then she followed it up with, "Lila is kind, thoughtful, helpful, sensitive--all of the positive words I tell my kids to be she is. You have a remarkable child. Go ahead and smile. You deserve it!"

Your teachers have always raved about you but your teacher really raved about you today and she--and Daddy and I--could not be more proud of you! You are already reading at a second-grade level, your writing skills are impressive, you are doing well in math and you are always kind and helpful toward your classmates. The biggest improvement, however, has been your desire to participate and speak up in class. You have always been quiet in class and nervous to answer questions but your teacher said that has drastically changed in just the past few days. You are now waving your hand enthusiastically in the air to answer questions and explaining concepts in front of your entire class. Your teacher is so impressed by how outspoken you have become and so am I. I am so happy that you have become more confident!

I saw some of that confidence firsthand earlier today when you were a mystery reader for DiDi's class. DiDi's teacher invites parents, grandparents--and siblings--to be a special "mystery reader" and visit the classroom to read a book to the kids. I had told you that the older brother of one of DiDi's classmate's had been a mystery reader last semester and you had been asking me ever since if you could be one, too, so I asked DiDi's teacher if you could come in today since you had a half-day for the conferences. When you walked into the classroom and Ms. Kaitlin revealed you as the mystery reader, DiDi was so happy and ran right over to you and gave you a big hug.

I could not stop beaming as I watched you sit in a chair in front of the class and sweetly read one of DiDi's favorite books, an Elephant and Piggie book called Let's Go For A Drive, to DiDi's class. Your voice was super low and I'm not sure how much the kids could actually hear but they all sat quietly and listened and you looked so comfortable and confident. Beforehand, a part of me thought you might get stage fright and that I'd have to take over reading the book for you but you didn't seem the least bit nervous. You really seemed to be enjoying yourself, actually, and I was so proud of seeing how far you have come from that shy, withdrawn girl who couldn't even look people in the eye and talk to them. (Cute side note: At bedtime tonight, Sawyer was sitting on his bed with Let's Go For A Drive, holding it up and pretending to read it to an imaginary class. He wanted to be just like you!)

Nice work, Lilabear!


Monday, March 11, 2019

Bathroom Fright

Dear Lila,

I was mopping your bathroom floor this afternoon, just minding my own business, when I swung the bathroom door closed so that I could mop the section behind the door. Little did I know that YOU were hiding behind the door! I had no idea that you were even in the bathroom and when I looked behind the door, there you were, beaming at me like the Cheshire Cat. It was the last thing I was expecting and I let out a loud, shrill, blood-curdling "AAAAGGGGHHHH!". Then I started laughing and crying at the same time. HO-LEE CRAP, Lila! I don't think I've ever screamed like before that because I've never been scared like that before!


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Out and About

Dear Lila,

You lost your first tooth tonight! Your bottom middle baby tooth had been loose for about a week and I noticed that it was more wiggly tonight while I was flossing your teeth. It still seemed pretty attached to your gum, though, so I thought we had several more days until it fell out. I was wrong. I brushed your teeth for a few seconds and told you to spit. You spit into the tub (we brush your teeth at my bathroom's tub) and we both saw some blood in your spit. You spit a couple more times and then you shouted, "My tooth!" Yep, there it was--this teeny tiny white nubbin and it was precariously lodged right in the cap that covers the tub drain. You started spitting out more blood and consequently began freaking out. My first instinct was to comfort you but I also wanted to save your tooth before it was slipped down the drain! I went with my first instinct and ran to get you tissues to soak up your bloody spit. I said everything would be fine and then I called out for Daddy. I told him to get a plastic fork, which I was able to use to carefully scoop out your tooth and prevent it from disappearing down the drain. Success!

Your first official lost tooth! My growing girl!


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Toast of the Town

Dear Lila,

Yesterday, I taught you how to use the toaster oven to make toast and you were so excited about learning this new skill that I said you can make my toast every morning. So this morning, you did just that while I was still in bed. You put a slice of bread in the toaster and when it was done, you put it on a plate, took the cream cheese out of the fridge and used a butter knife to slather cream cheese on the toast. You excitedly came and got me out of bed and I went downstairs to eat the first breakfast you had ever made for me. I took a big bite and, well, almost gagged. You, my little chef-in-training, had put chive and onion cream cheese on a slice of sweet blueberry toast. Gotta say, not my favorite flavor combination but I am proud of you for making me breakfast all on your own. Thank you, sweetie!


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Midnight Mess

Dear Lila,

When you become a mom, you imagine the baby snuggles, the trips to the playground, the first days of school. You never imagine that one day, your 6-year-old will pull down her pants, squat over her mattress and poop in her bed in the middle of the night because she was half-asleep and thought she was on the toilet. Oh. My. GOD!

I check on you and your brothers a few times after you all go to bed and I was doing a routine check when I walked into your dark room around 11pm last night. I was expecting you to be passed out and snoring like you usually are but when I walked in yesterday, you were standing on your mattress. You saw me walk in and said, "I have to use the bathroom." Sure, no problem, I turned on the light so you could see your way to the bathroom and walked around to the side of your bed. What I saw first: your naked butt and your pajama bottoms around your ankles. I was confused and was about to ask you why you already took off your pants when you weren't even in the bathroom. Then I saw--and smelled--the sizable pile of poop on your mattress. Oh. My. GOD! It was a decent amount of poop and I yelled at you not to move but of course that made you move and you stepped right into the poop. Oh. My. GOD!

I called out for Daddy to come help, he carried you to the shower and I threw away your sheets and remade your bed with clean linens. I was worried you had a stomach bug but you were fine after your shower (and even started playing happily with your toys before I reminded you that it was the middle of the night and you had school in the morning) and there were no more incidents. Seriously. Motherhood!


Friday, January 25, 2019

Substantial Evidence

Dear Lila,

We had a not-so-typical conversation at breakfast this morning when you asked me out of the blue:

You: How do you pray?
Me: You just talk. It can be out loud or in your head and you say what you want to say to God.
You (hesitantly): Can you say you don't like God?
Me: Yes, but do you have a reason for saying that?
You: You mean I have to substantiate?

Whoa, questions about a greater being AND the use of a four-syllable word I didn't know you knew. That was a lot to take in before I finished my coffee!


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

All Finished

Dear Lila,

You had an eye appointment after school today and Daddy had dinner ready when we finally got home, so you weren't able to start your homework until we finished dinner at 6:30pm. You had spelling, math, grammar, science and reading/reflection (whew, a lot) and at 7:30pm, you had finished everything except the reading and reflection. It was late so I told you to skip the reading and reflection for tonight and I would tell your teacher that you couldn't do it since you came home late from the eye appointment. However, you insisted that you had to finish all of your assigned homework tonight and you were so passionate about it that I let you stay up and do it. You were done by 8pm and I was super proud of you for finishing all of your work and powering through when I know you must have been tired. Good job, sweetie!


Saturday, January 12, 2019

So Studious

Dear Lila,

You woke up with a fever this morning and to try and make you feel better, I said we could do whatever you wanted: read a book together, play a board game, play Barbies. You asked me, "What about my homework?" My super-responsible girl, even with a 101-degree fever!
